

The BrowserWindow class is designed to manage browser windows within a Pyloid application. It extends PySide6's QMainWindow to provide additional functionality for creating and managing browser windows.


def __init__(self, app, title: str = "pylon app", width: int = 800, height: int = 600, x: int = 200, y: int = 200, frame: bool = True, context_menu: bool = False, dev_tools: bool = False, js_apis: List[PylonAPI] = []):

Initializes a BrowserWindow object.

  • Parameters:

    • app: Pyloid instance

    • title (str): Window title (default: "pylon app")

    • width (int): Window width (default: 800)

    • height (int): Window height (default: 600)

    • x (int): Window x-coordinate (default: 200)

    • y (int): Window y-coordinate (default: 200)

    • frame (bool): Whether to show window frame (default: True)

    • context_menu (bool): Whether to enable context menu (default: False)

    • dev_tools (bool): Whether to enable developer tools (default: False)

    • js_apis (List[PyloidAPI]): List of JavaScript APIs to add (default: [])


def load_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:

Loads a local HTML file into the web view.

  • Parameters:

    • file_path (str): Path to the HTML file to load

def load_url(self, url: str) -> None:

Loads the specified URL into the window.

  • Parameters:

    • url (str): URL to load

def set_title(self, title: str) -> None:

Sets the title of the window.

  • Parameters:

    • title (str): New window title

def set_size(self, width: int, height: int) -> None:

Sets the size of the window.

  • Parameters:

    • width (int): New window width

    • height (int): New window height

def set_position(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:

Sets the position of the window.

  • Parameters:

    • x (int): New x-coordinate

    • y (int): New y-coordinate

def set_frame(self, frame: bool) -> None:

Sets whether to show the window frame.

  • Parameters:

    • frame (bool): Whether to show the frame

def set_context_menu(self, context_menu: bool) -> None:

Sets whether to enable the context menu.

  • Parameters:

    • context_menu (bool): Whether to enable the context menu

def set_dev_tools(self, enable: bool) -> None:

Sets whether to enable developer tools.

  • Parameters:

    • enable (bool): Whether to enable developer tools

def open_dev_tools(self) -> None:

Opens the developer tools window.

def get_window_properties(self) -> dict:

Returns the properties of the window.

  • Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the window properties

def get_id(self) -> str:

Returns the ID of the window.

  • Returns: str: The window ID

def hide(self) -> None:

Hides the window.

def show(self) -> None:

Shows the window.

def focus(self) -> None:

Gives focus to the window.

def show_and_focus(self) -> None:

Shows the window and gives it focus.

def close(self) -> None:

Closes the window.

def toggle_fullscreen(self) -> None:

Toggles fullscreen mode.

def minimize(self) -> None:

Minimizes the window.

def maximize(self) -> None:

Maximizes the window.

def unmaximize(self) -> None:

Restores the window to its previous size.

def capture(self, save_path: str) -> Optional[str]:

Captures the current window.

  • Parameters:

    • save_path (str): Path to save the captured image

  • Returns:

    • Optional[str]: Path to the saved image or None if failed

def add_shortcut(self, key_sequence: str, callback: Callable) -> QShortcut:

Adds a keyboard shortcut to the window.

  • Parameters:

    • key_sequence (str): Shortcut key sequence (e.g., "Ctrl+C")

    • callback (Callable): Function to execute when the shortcut is pressed

  • Returns:

    • QShortcut: The created QShortcut object

def remove_shortcut(self, key_sequence: str) -> None:

Removes a keyboard shortcut from the window.

  • Parameters:

    • key_sequence (str): Shortcut key sequence to remove

def get_all_shortcuts(self) -> dict:

Returns all shortcuts registered to the window.

  • Returns:

    • dict: A dictionary containing shortcut sequences and their QShortcut objects

def emit(self, event_name: str, data: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:

Emits an event to the JavaScript side.

  • Parameters:

    • event_name (str): Name of the event

    • data (Optional[Dict]): Data to be sent with the event (default: None)

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