You can create a boilerplate using your preferred frontend framework instead of the provided boilerplate.
Choose your desired frontend framework. e.g., React, Vue, Svelte, Angular, etc.
Example (React)
1. Create a React project
Copy npm create vite@latest
# Select React
2. Modify the index.html file
Add Security Policy to index.html (Optional)
Copy <! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = "en" >
< head >
< meta charset = "UTF-8" />
< script src = "qrc:///qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js" ></ script >
< link rel = "icon" type = "image/svg+xml" href = "/vite.svg" />
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
< title >Pyloid</ title >
<!-- Add security policy (Optional) -->
< meta
http-equiv = "Content-Security-Policy"
content = "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' qrc://*; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';"
</ head >
< body >
< div id = "root" ></ div >
< script type = "module" src = "/src/main.tsx" ></ script >
</ body >
</ html >
3. Modify the main.jsx/tsx file
Proceed with rendering after the pylonReady event occurs to ensure rendering takes place after Pyloid's functions are loaded.
Copy document .addEventListener ( 'pyloidReady' , () => {
// DOM rendering code
This ensures that rendering proceeds after Pyloid's functions are loaded.
Copy import { StrictMode } from 'react' ;
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client' ;
import App from './App.tsx' ;
import './index.css' ;
document .addEventListener ( 'pyloidReady' , () => {
createRoot ( document .getElementById ( 'root' ) ! ) .render (
< StrictMode >
< App />
</ StrictMode >
4. Modify the vite.config.ts file
Specify the build folder as the path where the built html file is generated.
Copy import { defineConfig } from 'vite' ;
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react' ;
export default defineConfig ({
plugins : [ react ()] ,
base : './' ,
build : {
outDir : 'build' ,
} ,
5. Modify package.json
Add scripts for development and build tasks for each OS. Also, add concurrently and run-script-os to devDependencies.
If you're using a package manager like pnpm, yarn, or bun, you'll need to change the scripts to match your package manager.
We set windows: python / linux: python3 / macos: python3 as the default Python command. So if your computer uses a different default command like py/python/python3, you'll need to modify it.
Copy {
// ...
"scripts" : {
"dev" : "run-script-os" ,
"dev:windows": "concurrently --raw --names \"front,pyloid\" \"npm run vite\" \".\\venv-pyloid\\Scripts\\python .\\src-pyloid\\\"",
"dev:linux": "concurrently --raw --names \"front,pyloid\" \"npm run vite\" \"./venv-pyloid/bin/python ./src-pyloid/\"",
"dev:macos": "concurrently --raw --names \"front,pyloid\" \"npm run vite\" \"./venv-pyloid/bin/python ./src-pyloid/\"",
"vite" : "vite" ,
"build" : "tsc -b && vite build && run-script-os" ,
"build:windows" : ".\\venv-pyloid\\Scripts\\pyinstaller build-windows.spec" ,
"build:linux" : "./venv-pyloid/bin/pyinstaller build-linux.spec" ,
"build:macos" : "./venv-pyloid/bin/pyinstaller build-macos.spec" ,
"init" : "npm install && run-script-os" ,
"init:windows" : "python -m venv venv-pyloid && .\\venv-pyloid\\Scripts\\pip install -r requirements.txt" ,
"init:linux" : "python3 -m venv venv-pyloid && ./venv-pyloid/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt" ,
"init:macos" : "python3 -m venv venv-pyloid && ./venv-pyloid/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt"
} ,
// ...
"devDependencies" : {
"concurrently" : "^9.0.1" ,
"run-script-os" : "^1.1.6"
6. Add requirements.txt to the root directory
Add the pyloid package and pyinstaller package.
7. Add pyinstaller spec files
Add pyinstaller spec files to the root path to build the project into an exe file.
This is the file path image used here. There's a src-pyloid folder in the root path, and a file inside it.
If your project file path is different, you'll need to modify the spec file accordingly. (Icon path, build html path, Python file path)
build-windows.spec build-linux.spec build-macos.spec
Copy # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
block_cipher = None
a = Analysis ([ 'src-pyloid/' ],
pathex = [],
binaries = [],
datas = [( 'src-pyloid/icons/' , 'icons/' ),
( 'build/' , 'build/' ),
hiddenimports = [],
hookspath = [],
hooksconfig = {},
runtime_hooks = [],
excludes=['PySide6.QtQml', 'PySide6.QtTest', 'PySide6.Qt3D', 'PySide6.QtSensors', 'PySide6.QtCharts', 'PySide6.QtGraphs', 'PySide6.QtDataVisualization', 'PySide6.QtQuick', 'PySide6.QtDesigner', 'PySide6.QtUiTools', 'PySide6.QtHelp'],
win_no_prefer_redirects = False ,
win_private_assemblies = False ,
cipher = block_cipher,
noarchive = False )
pyz = PYZ (a.pure, a.zipped_data,
cipher = block_cipher)
exe = EXE (
exclude_binaries = True ,
name = 'pyloid-app' ,
debug = False ,
bootloader_ignore_signals = False ,
strip = False ,
upx = True ,
console = False ,
disable_windowed_traceback = False ,
argv_emulation = False ,
target_arch = None ,
codesign_identity = None ,
entitlements_file = None ,
icon = [ 'src-pyloid/icons/icon.ico' ],
coll = COLLECT (
strip = False ,
upx = True ,
upx_exclude = [],
name = 'pyloid-app'
Copy # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
block_cipher = None
a = Analysis ([ 'src-pylon/' ],
pathex = [],
binaries = [],
datas = [( 'src-pyloid/icons/' , 'icons/' ),
( 'build/' , 'build/' ),
hiddenimports = [],
excludes=['PySide6.QtQml', 'PySide6.QtTest', 'PySide6.Qt3D', 'PySide6.QtSensors', 'PySide6.QtCharts', 'PySide6.QtGraphs', 'PySide6.QtDataVisualization', 'PySide6.QtQuick', 'PySide6.QtDesigner', 'PySide6.QtUiTools', 'PySide6.QtHelp'],
hookspath = [],
hooksconfig = {},
runtime_hooks = [],
win_no_prefer_redirects = False ,
win_private_assemblies = False ,
cipher = block_cipher,
noarchive = False )
pyz = PYZ (a.pure, a.zipped_data,
cipher = block_cipher)
exe = EXE (
exclude_binaries = True ,
name = 'pyloid-app' ,
debug = False ,
bootloader_ignore_signals = False ,
strip = False ,
upx = True ,
console = False ,
disable_windowed_traceback = False ,
argv_emulation = False ,
target_arch = None ,
codesign_identity = None ,
entitlements_file = None ,
icon = [ 'src-pyloid/icons/icon.png' ],
coll = COLLECT (
strip = False ,
upx = True ,
upx_exclude = [],
name = 'pyloid-app'
Copy # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
a = Analysis (
[ 'src-pyloid/' ],
pathex = [],
binaries = [],
datas = [( 'src-pyloid/icons/' , 'icons/' ),
( 'build/' , 'build/' ),
hiddenimports = [ 'PySide6.QtWebEngineCore' ],
hookspath = [],
hooksconfig = {},
runtime_hooks = [],
excludes=['PySide6.QtQml', 'PySide6.QtTest', 'PySide6.Qt3D', 'PySide6.QtSensors', 'PySide6.QtCharts', 'PySide6.QtGraphs', 'PySide6.QtDataVisualization', 'PySide6.QtQuick', 'PySide6.QtDesigner', 'PySide6.QtUiTools', 'PySide6.QtHelp'],
noarchive = False ,
optimize = 0 ,
pyz = PYZ (a.pure)
exe = EXE (
exclude_binaries = True ,
name = 'pyloid-app' ,
debug = False ,
bootloader_ignore_signals = False ,
strip = False ,
upx = True ,
console = False ,
disable_windowed_traceback = False ,
argv_emulation = False ,
target_arch = None ,
codesign_identity = None ,
entitlements_file = None ,
coll = COLLECT (
strip = False ,
upx = True ,
upx_exclude = [],
name = 'pyloid-app' ,
app = BUNDLE (
name = '' ,
icon = 'src-pyloid/icons/icon.icns' ,
bundle_identifier = None ,
8. Add icons (Optional)
Add icon files if needed.
And you need to modify the spec file to match that path.
9. Run
Run the project to test.
10. Build
Build the project to test.