Using PySide6 Features for API Customizing

Pyloid is built on PySide6 and provides functionality for users to extend the API directly. This allows easy use of various PySide6 features in Pyloid applications.

How to Create Custom APIs

  1. Inherit from the PyloidAPI class to create a new class.

  2. Define desired methods and use the @Bridge decorator to connect with JavaScript.

  3. Utilize PySide6 features within the methods.


Implementing File Open Dialog

from PySide6.QtWidgets import QFileDialog
from pyloid import PyloidAPI, Bridge

class CustomAPI(PyloidAPI):
    def open_file(self):
        file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(filter="Text files (*.txt)")
        return file if file else ""

    def save_file(self):
        file, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(filter="Text files (*.txt)")
        return file if file else ""

    def select_directory(self):
        directory = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory()
        return directory if directory else ""

Implementing Message Box

from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from pyloid import PyloidAPI, Bridge

class MessageAPI(PyloidAPI):
    @Bridge(str, str, result=str)
    def show_info(self, title: str, message: str):
        QMessageBox.information(None, title, message)

    @Bridge(str, str,result=str)
    def show_warning(self, title: str, message: str):
        QMessageBox.warning(None, title, message)

    @Bridge(str, str,result=bool)
    def show_question(self, title: str, message: str):
        reply = QMessageBox.question(None, title, message)
        return reply == QMessageBox.Yes

How to Use

  1. Define custom API classes.

  2. Pass API instances when creating a Pyloid application.

from pyloid import Pyloid

app = Pyloid(app_name="CustomApp")

window = app.create_window(title="Custom API Example", js_apis=[CustomAPI(), MessageAPI()])
  1. Using the API in HTML/JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button id="openFile">Open File</button>
    <button id="showMessage">Show Message</button>

      document.addEventListener('pyloidReady', function () {
        async function openFile() {
          const filePath = await window.pyloid.CustomAPI.open_file();
          console.log('Selected file:', filePath);

        async function showMessage() {
          await window.pyloid.MessageAPI.show_info(
            'This is a custom API test.'

          .addEventListener('click', openFile);
          .addEventListener('click', showMessage);

Implementing Desired Functionality Directly Using QMainWindow

You can obtain a PySide6 QMainWindow instance through the get_QMainWindow() method from the BrowserWindow instance created by the app.create_window() function. This allows you to implement desired functionality directly.

from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from pyloid import Pyloid

app = Pyloid(app_name="Pyloid-App")

window = app.create_window("pyloid-window")
qmain = window.get_QMainWindow() # return QMainWindow instance

qmain.setWindowFlags(qmain.windowFlags() | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # window stays on top


  1. When using the @Bridge decorator, you must specify the types of input parameters and return values. For example:

    • No input parameters and returns a string: @Bridge(result=str)

    • Takes two strings as input and returns a boolean: @Bridge(str, str, result=bool)

    • Takes an integer as input and returns a string: @Bridge(int, result=str)

  2. When returning complex objects, they must be converted to a JSON-serializable form.

  3. UI-related tasks should be executed on the main thread.

In this way, you can integrate various PySide6 features into Pyloid applications. More complex features like QtSql, QtBluetooth, QtMultimedia, QtNetwork, etc., can also be implemented as needed.

Last updated